Faith-filled Disciples of Christ
SCB Families:
We are 2 months into school and I want to say thank you to all of you for our amazing support as we moved back to school. You were flexible and have adapted to everything we needed to do to ramp back up our programs safely for the kids. I appreciate you all.
I am sending this note outside of our normal newsletter because it is an important topic that I want to give weight to - and that is the safety of our parking lot. I know we can organize ourselves and our traffic flow better as we drop and pick up the kids.
Effective TOMORROW 11/9, We are going to move back to the pre-Covid parking lot management and open up the drop off lane in the front of our main building for drop offs, allowing you to not have to get out of your car. You of course still can park your car and escort your student into the building. You can enter on the West Side of 12th OR the Meyers Street entrances and drive slowly through the drop off lane and do a quick stop to drop off your students. We ask that you make sure that your students are ready to exit your vehicle for ease of traffic flow. The map with flow and directions can be found on the bottom of the page at School Drop off Policies.
Once you drop off your students they can walk to the entrance that they normally go into as per normal procedure. Doors will open at 8:15.
If you have younger students, and still choose to park and escort them in, we will have traffic monitors there for you to be able to safely walk to your entrance. We ask that Preschool and PreK students still be escorted into the West parking lot area by a parent or guardian.
Our junior high lot in the back (where 4th, 5th and 6th are dropped off) will not have any change to the drop off procedure that exists today. Cars will park and students will enter the building. We will not have a drop off lane on that side of the building. Doors will be closed at 8:25 to allow teachers to get back to their classrooms, so if you are later than that, bring your students through the front office.
Pickups will remain the same with the West Parking lot being open to park and pick up the younger students, and the rest of the parking lot (front and junior high) available for your student to meet you at your car or you get out and meet them. Teachers are out and monitoring students as they leave. We will not have a pick up lane that mirrors our drop off lane in the morning.
We ask that everyone who parks in our West lot park so they can pull forward versus backup as you leave. The students are small and not easy to see and backing up introduces an additional danger. We also ask that everyone refrains from using a cell phone and keeps speed down to the 5 MPH speed limit at all times on our campus.
Thank you for your attention to this matter and for helping us keep our campus as safe as we can. Please let me know if you have any questions. We of course will monitor for effectiveness and if we need to make changes to improve it, we will.
Beth O'Reilly